Postcarding 2022

Reclaim Our Vote Campaign

Write nonpartisan postcards to help empower Black voters and fight voter suppression!

RECLAIM OUR VOTE (ROV) is organized by the nonprofit 501(c)3 Center for Common Ground of Virginia, with the help of the NAACP, Black Voters Matter, VoteRiders, DemLabs, Mi Familia Vota and other organizations. Thousands of Reclaim Our Vote volunteers around the country have canvassed, phoned, texted, and written postcards – to encourage them to vote during elections by offering directions and free rides to the polls.

In 2020 ROV distributed 6.4M addresses before the 2020 general election and another 2.5M for the GA runoff.

Texas Primary: ROV sent postcards to almost 350,000 Black voters in Texas in January-February 2022.

Alabama, North Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia Primaries: ROV sent postcards to almost 480,000 Black voters in Alabama, North Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia! Thank you for your hard work!

Current Campaign- Florida Primary: We are postcarding to 68 counties, working with partners on the ground in Florida.

  • Early voting: August 8 – August 21
  • Write postcards: End of May – August 8
  • Mail postcards: HOLD until August 1, mail by August 8

Tri-Valley Women’s Action Group (Pleasanton), Livermore Indivisible (Livermore), and Swing Left Tri-Valley ( are all writing ROV postcards. Get postcards and addresses from the one convenient for you.

4 easy steps to start writing

  1. Watch the video.

2. Read the “Guideline for Postcard Writers”.

3. Request the postcard kits: Tri-Valley Women’s Action Group (Pleasanton), Livermore Indivisible (Livermore), and Swing Left Tri-Valley (

4. Pick up the kits after you receive the address to pick up the kits.

  • Tri-Valley Women’s Action Group: Pleasanton
  • Livermore Indivisible: Livermore
  • Swing Left Tri-Valley: Postcard Hubs in Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, and San Ramon.

Your postcard kit will include the following and the cost is shared by your donations. We ask you to donate stamps (postcard stamps 40 cents, will increase to 44 cents in July) and pay for stamps if you could without financially challenged so that everybody can participate. Our operation is 100% financed by volunteers.

  • Postcards
  • Addresses
  • Scripts
  • Avery labels
  • Stamps per request (Check with your group organizer)

You will provide your own pens and pencils.
Default is for you to pick up from one of the Hubs. Delivery and mailing ($12 to cover cost of 120 postcards and shipping) optional.

These are expensive campaigns, and your stamp donations will be appreciated. Postcards use 40 cents and letters use 58 cents postages.

Vote Forward Big Send Campaign

Write letters to Get Out the Vote for MidTerm 2022!

To write nonpartisan letters with Vote Forward visit their website at, create an account, adopt addresses on their dashboard, and mail completed letters on Oct 29, 2022. You can choose which district you write.