We can help improve lives in Alameda County, and the time is now.
In 2022, Alameda County will elect the first new District Attorney (DA) in thirteen years. The DA is an immensely important position within the County, being responsible for prosecuting criminal and specific civil cases on behalf of Alameda County residents. The types of matters within the purview of the DA range from juvenile justice, elder abuse and consumer fraud, to environmental protection, victim rights and public integrity (investigating allegations against elected and appointed officials) as well as investigation of law enforcement.
Livermore Indivisible (along with The Independent, Livermore Vine, and Pleasanton Weekly) are hosting a virtual forum on Sunday, November 14, at 1:30 p.m., featuring the three current candidates for Alameda County District Attorney – Terry Wiley , Pamela Price , and Jimmie Wilson. Register now to receive the link for the Zoom webinar. For more information check the flyer.