What’s on the Ballot?

The ballot will include your local (School board and City), County runoff, State House and Senate, Statewide offices, Congressional and US Senate races as well as ballot measures of state and local jurisdictions.

We would like you to vote well informed, and we recommend the following websites.

  • VoteSmart.org provides all the information about the candidates including who is funding their campaign.
  • VotersEdge.org provides both candidates and ballot measure information.

Let’s face it, it is hard to decode ballot measure (proposition and referendum). So here is a cheat sheet to see endorsements by organizations.

Alameda County Runoffs: Supervisor District 3 and District Attorney (DA).
Tri-Valley Democratic Club DA Candidates Forum Sep 12 (Mon) 7pm on Zoom
League of Women Voters Candidates Forum Sep 19 (Mon) 6pm DA Sign up & 7pm Supervisor Sign up.

Supervisor District 3
Rebecca Kaplan (AC Dem, PPAMM, 350BA, EQCA, Gun Sense) supervisorkaplan.org
Lena Tam www.lenatam.com

District Attorney
Pamela Price (PPAMM) pamelaprice4da.com
Terry Wiley terrywileyforda.com

Tri-Valley Candidates and Forum Schedule

Alameda County League of Women Voters Candidates Forum Schedule

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