2020 Census is done!
You can see how our communities responded at Reply Rate Page.
Many of us responded online at my2020Census.gov with computer, tablet or smartphone in 13 languages for the first time. Others responded in traditional way by Phone, or by Mail (The forms were sent to you middle of April).
If you had the Census enumerators knocking doors, your reply has not gone through. Do it again with them or online. Nobody will be penalized by double replies, removing duplicates is part of the Census Bureau’s responsibilities.
Can you help our communities to complete Census?
Text 5 of your friends “Have you completed your #2020Census? It was easy and took me only __ min. You can fill out the questionnaire at my2020census.gov, and every person we count will bring back $1000 a year to our own community!”.
Watch the video how to respond below.
For 57 other languages visit YouTube List.
Are you wondering if it is safe? Watch the video about its confidentiality.
What is Census? You might ask. Please watch the video to find out.
Census counts everybody who lives in United States and the data will determine
1) how much Federal funding we receive,
2) how many congressional seats we get, and
3) where the funding is distributed.